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Reuse and Recycle

How to clean out your used candle vessels and give them new life
making candles, specifically labelling candle tins and jars in the Misiyo Home Studio

Freezing Method

Easiest method for cleaning out vessels, especially our metal tins

1. For candle jars, break up the wax in the bottom of the vessel with a butter knife if possible. This will help you take it out of the vessel once frozen. With metal tins, this step is typically not neccessary.

2. Place the candle in the freezer for a few hours or until it is frozen.

3. Take it out of the freezer and then loosen / pop the wax out of the container, using a butter knife if needed. Loosend loosen it with a butter knife if necessary.

4. Peel off the candle label and warning sticker and then remove any residue with rubbing alcohol (Goo Gone works too).

5. Place it in the dishwasher or hand wash with very hot, soapy water. And that's it! It's now ready to be recycled or repurposed.

Boiling Water Method

Easy and works great for all containers

1. Protect your surface with something heat safe (cutting board, coaster etc) and scrape as much wax as you can out of the vessel with a butter knife or spoon.

2. Boil water in a kettle and then pour some boiling water into the vessel, enough to cover any leftover wax. Let it cool - the wax will melt and then harden on the top.

3. Once cooled, scoop out the wax on top and dispose. Pour out the water and then repeat the above step if any wax remains, until all wax is removed.

4. Remove the metal wick tab at the bottom of the jar or tin. Peel off the candle label and warning sticker and then remove any residue with rubbing alcohol (Goo Gone works too).

5. Place it in the dishwasher or hand wash with very hot, soapy water. And that's it! It's now ready to be recycled or repurposed.

TIP: If you have a wax melter, dry off the removed wax with a towel and use it in your melter to enjoy the remaining fragrance.

CAUTION: The container will be very hot! Please protect your hands and surfaces.

Oven Method

More advanced method - works well if you have several containers to clean out at once

PLEASE NOTE: This method will be quite fragrant while in process and may also leave some lingering fragrance in your oven (which will dissipate)

1. Preheat your oven to 180 degrees F

2. Scrape as much wax as you can out of the vessels with a butter knife or spoon and line a rimmed baking pan with aluminum foil, making sure it covers the entire surface and rim so that all wax will be contained once melted.

3. Place the candle jars upside down on the pan and set the pan in the oven. Set your timer for 15 minutes and then check on the jars. The wax will melt in about 15-20 minutes typically, so check every 5-10 minutes and proceed to the next step as soon as the wax is melted.

4. Wearing oven mitts, remove the pan and place on a heat-safe surface. While the jars and tins are still hot, and using oven mitts or rubber gloves (we find thick rubber gloves work well), take each container and wipe the inside with a paper towel to remove excess wax and the metal wick tab. Then peel off the label and sticker while the vessel is warm.

5. Place it in the dishwasher or hand wash with very hot, soapy water. Remove any remaining residue with rubbing alcohol (Goo Gone works too). And that's it! It's now ready to be recycled or repurposed.

CAUTION: The container will be very hot! Please protect your hands and surfaces.

Vessel Return Program

As of 2024, we are unfortunately putting this on hold. Here's why

After a lot of thought (and cleaning out the last batch of returned jars), we've made the difficult decision to put this on pause.

As a home-based business, we operate and make all of our candles in our personal residence. This means we're short on storage and we've been using our own oven (the same one we cook food in) to clean everything out - which as you can imagine is just not great. If and when we get a seperate studio space, I would happily revisit this and equip it accordingly!

In the meantime, we greatly appreciate your understanding and highly recommend following these methods to repurpose or recycle your containers :)